The purpose of this text is to present at a primary and intermediate level a comprehensive over view of the construction principle and indeed the operation of a Digital Incubator. We want to present a situation where by as the temperature in going up let the resistance be decreasing and as the temperature decreases let the resistance be going up. Continue Reading
The aim of this project is to construct power amplifier. The system is expected to amplify. The major components in the circuit is the integrated circuit (IC JRE with some circuit elements for the normal operation of the circuit. Continue Reading
As the world is developing the need for electronics in human endeavor is now taking a larger scope. With the invention of certain electronics gadgets in our societies today, certain activities become easily handled for example; in communication where the telephone plays a part. In places where safety are needed an alarm system will be of much impo... Continue Reading
An audio AMP is basically a system which is used as a means of increasing the level of sound or audio signals for maximum use. A public address system consists basically of microphone, Amplifier and speaker(s) to facilitate the communication to intelligible speech to groups of people or an audience. The main purpose of providing sound reinforcem... Continue Reading
The uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is design to help in the offices, workshops and house hold appliances, due to the unstable power supply being supplied by (NEPA) presently known as Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) usually supply to us. Continue Reading
The intruder alarm system was designed and build in order to let the industrial and commercial company know how important alarm system is all about. These can be of Good help if the intruder will look through this project and support for the development of this project as to let the Federal Government know that the young engineering of today can pr... Continue Reading
The application of face recognition through public surveillance cameras in criminal investigations is non-intrusive, inconspicuous and faster compared with fingerprint or DNA-sampling biometric evaluation methods. It assists the law enforcement agency during the preliminary investigation to narrow down the candidate list of suspects or person-of-in... Continue Reading
Climbing the stairs is one of the best exercises that can be done anywhere and anytime. Many health organizations recommend the public to take the stairs instead of waiting for the lifts. This is because there are many health benefits, such as improved cardiovascular system and strengthened muscles and joints, by taking the stairs. In this ... Continue Reading
All modern engineering system includes certain aspects of control system at some point in their broadcast scenes, control engineering and the associated theory are concerned with the means of making system to behave in a desired may. The system on this thesis is a DC – AC inverter which is an apparatus used in the conversion of direct cur... Continue Reading
This project is design and construction of a sound detector with alarm system was done primarily to detector sound. It can be use in industrial and domestics. It employ four discreet stages with power supply which power the system. The 1st block is pick up amplifier containing the microphone and the input which serve as a transformer which the f... Continue Reading
This project report is a thesis written specifically to cover the design analysis construction, test and packaging of a multipurpose security system from electric component that can be easily be obtainable from the market. Continue Reading
The need for a home used charging device is timely, given that daily avoidable accidents occur on our highways due to SLI (starting, lighting and Ignition) faults in motor vehicles. Continue Reading
The general objective of the system is to provide efficiency in the use of power suppliances by ensuring continuous availability of power supply in the absence of NEPA. Uninterruptability of the system made it possible to eliminate all suspense arising from NEPA outage during the execution of an important and urgent assignment requiring Continue Reading
This project which consists of four chapters deals extensively with the design and construction of a battery charger which is capable charging a 12 volts, battery. The first chapter which is the introductory chapter goes a long way in defining the battery charger and explaining of the mode of operation. Continue Reading
The early transmitter for radio broadcasting is so big and bulky that they do occupy numerous spaces. The circuitries are mainly designed with valves, which are big in sizes. With the advent of semiconductor materials such as transistors electronic equipment are now becoming miniaturized such that small transmitters are now becoming handy and com... Continue Reading